Free Introductory Courses For Career Development

Join our free courses to get a snippet of various job opportunities in diverse sectors!

NACPT provides free courses in multiple disciplines relevant in today’s career sectors. The events provide you with a strong foundation for your career progression in the respective fields.

Each event includes topics from diverse sectors such as Cannabis, Pharmaceutical, Business, Accounting, and Hospitality & Tourism. All the free courses are tailored to current job market demands and are conducted by experienced educators and professionals.

Each free course will help you gain proficiency in all aspects of the business specialties of the industry.

Read further to learn about the free courses in detail!

Introduction to Quality Assurance for Cannabis

May 12

Introduction to Quality Assurance for Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Food Industries

June 9

Introduction to Quickbooks and Accounting

July 28

Introduction to Medical Office Admin

July 14

Introduction to Cannabis Home Grow Practices

August 18

Introduction to Travel Management in Canada

September 8

Introduction to Cannabis Validation

September 22

Introduction to Pharmaceutical Validation

October 13

Introduction to Cannabis Regulatory Framework

October 27

Introduction to Cannabis Good Production Practices

November 10

Please Note*

*As per Covid-19 safety requirements, all events will be held online until further notice. 

*Joining links and event instructions will be provided to your email prior to the event!