
Aaron Pagliaro

Graduate from Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Advanced Diploma Program

At NACPT, I learned the necessary knowledge and skills to obtain my first position in my career in validation. At NACPT it felt like a small community and all the staff and instructors were very helpful in my studies and career growth. NACPT helped me gain the knowledge and skills required for the pharmaceutical industry which gave me confidence in the interview process during my job search. I would recommend this program to anyone who is looking to gain experience in the pharmaceutical or related industries because it provides the base roots knowledge and skills required to be successful in this industry. Year 2014.

Hired By Canadian Blood Services

Position: Validation Associate

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All training classes are moved to both online (live interactive webinar) and onsite training mode due to COVID-19 pandemic as of March 18, 2020. Please contact us for more details.

Due to COVID-19, all training programs will be held online (live, interactive, and instructor-led) until further notice. Hybrid Learning Mode will be used for programs that include hands-on training (theory will be delivered online and hands-on training will be delivered on-site). Students who wish to receive onsite instruction should contact the college. Please get in touch with us for more information!
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