Cannabis Production

Canadian Job Availability in the Booming Cannabis Industry

Cannabis is a growing industry worldwide, and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is no exception. With the legalization of cannabis…

12 months ago

Cannabis Biotechnological Production Process

Cannabinoids are compounds found in the cannabis plant that have a variety of potential therapeutic applications, including pain relief, anti-inflammatory…

1 year ago

Why Are Cannabis Tests Important For Licensed Producers?

Licensed Analytical Testing Laboratory’s (Labs) perform compliance testing for Licensed Producers of Cannabis in Canada. This is a requirement of…

3 years ago

How to Develop a Pharmaceutical Approach to Medical Cannabis Production

The cannabis industry is a very young, budding (no pun intended) industry. The well-developed procedures and guidelines followed in the…

3 years ago

Why is Analytical Testing important in the Evolving Cannabis Marketplace?

Attitudes towards cannabis are changing worldwide, what was once considered a dangerous drug associated with cocaine and heroin, is now…

3 years ago

What Does GMP Mean? and How Is This Different from EU-GMP?

The World Health Organization’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and their foreign equivalents are highly encouraged guidelines, best practices, and regulations…

3 years ago