Local Meet-Up

Find your career, grow your network!

Every year NACPT conducts local-meetups to discuss a few relevant topics from the Cannabis and Pharmaceutical industry with the industry-experts.

Due to the increasingly positive impact of cannabis in health and wellness sectors globally, research and studies regarding the same are significantly rising. As a career college that closely focuses on cannabis and its regulated standards, we at NACPT work in coordination with industry famous leaders and associations to bring this knowledge to the world.

During the meet-ups, we focus on carefully chosen topics to discuss and share our knowledge about them. They are an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in the benefits and impacts of medical cannabis in healthcare, pharmaceutical, and other natural health products.

How to keep up with the pharmaceutical standards in the cannabis industry?

May 15

The importance of Pharmaceutical and Cannabis Validation

August 14

Real Estate Law Ever-changing in Cannabis Industry

July 17

Can we keep up with Cannabis Tissue Culture?

June 12

How cannabis law and standards need to be streamlined?

Coming soon

Please Note*

*As per Covid-19 safety requirements, all events will be held online until further notice. 

*Joining links and event instructions will be provided to your email prior to the event!